Thursday, January 11, 2007

Emerging Church - Hmmm?

Been looking at the Church longer than I care to admit sometimes. There was a time when I received and absorbed all that was presented to me. After a while I began to wonder about what I believed. The days turned into years and I seemed to grow up - no longer believing it simply because it was said. I determined to BE a Berean Christian (cf. Act 17:11) and a whole new world opened up. But eventually I realized that even this was built on a foundation of past hay, wood, and stubble, as my evaluations used the old paradigm based on the traditions of the elders. Several more years of questioning preceded being set free. Somewhere along the wayI began to read about the "Emerging Church".

Wonderful liberty seemed to come forth from the EC, but with an irreverance that didn't square with where I was - until.... One day, I no longer was emerging, but rather saw that I had emerged. I was becoming a butterfly. What was sacrosanct became the grist for questioning. If it was solid, questions would not shake it. If it was weak, it would come tumbling down. Now, I am free to question and to challenge without fear of offending Him.

This is an initial post. I look forward to dialogues with others on their journey. We will pass similar points, I am sure, and sharing helps us know we are not traveling the road alone.